Anthony Pellegrini
Founding Partner; Head of Infrastructure and Urban Development Practice

Anthony Pellegrini is a Partner and Member of the Board of Centennial Group and the head of the Group’s Infrastructure and Urban Development Practice. He is an internationally recognized authority on urban development and municipal finance, with extensive work experience in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. In his distinguished career at the World Bank, he held many senior positions, among others Director of Transportation, Water and Sanitation and Urban Development. Mr. Pellegrini was responsible for the oversight of operational programs, development of global sector policy, the development of partnerships with other institutions, the provision of operational project support to regional sector units, the identification of cross-regional best practice, research, knowledge transfer and the development of training programs. He chaired the Transportation, Water and Sanitation and Urban Development Sector Boards of the World Bank, which brought together all regional sector managers in the Bank responsible for operational programs in these sectors. He was Chairman of the International Advisory Board of Paranacidade, a Brazilian development fund that lends to local governments; and co-founder of the International Association of Municipal Development Funds, a non-profit association of municipal lending institutions around the world. Mr. Pellegrini received his doctorate from Stanford University and is currently based in Connecticut.
Areas of Expertise:
Urban development policy and strategy
Local government financing frameworks
Infrastructure financing and policy
Past Experience:
Chairman of the International Advisory Board of Paranacidade
World Bank – Director of Transportation, Water and Sanitation and Urban Development
Key Advisory Engagements
World Bank
Asian Development Bank
European Investment Bank (EIB)
African Development Bank
US Agency for International Development
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Numerous governments and private companies