Luc Lefebvre
Senior Associate

Luc Lefebvre has 40 years of experience in international development co-operation. He led successively two different consulting firms engaged in this field for 24 years. He obtained an ISO 9001 quality assurance certification for one of them. After 15 years of contributing to designing projects and policies in agriculture and rural development, Luc Lefebvre specialized in public policies evaluation. He has led thematic evaluations, evaluations of aid instruments and multi-donor country programmes, for European and bilateral institutions. He contributed to designing the evaluation policy and methodological approaches for complex evaluations for these institutions and the OECD. Luc Lefebvre provides methodological and quality support to public organisations and to private consultancies. He taught public policies evaluation methods at Sciences-Po Paris and animated training sessions for French, Swedish and European Commission public officers. Luc Lefebvre is a founding member of the European Evaluation Society and national evaluation societies in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.
Areas of Expertise:
Design and management of complex public policies evaluations
Evaluation methods (training and support)
Quality assurance
Rural development
Past Experience:
Management of consulting firms
Advice to the European institutions and bilateral foreign aid administrations
Key Advisory Engagements
Evaluation of the European energy policy in the neighboring countries
Evaluation of the contribution of France to the Paris Declaration
Performance assessment of multilateral organizations for MOPAN (OECD)