Jose Fajgenbaum
Partner; Partner, Centennial Group Latin America

Jose Fajgenbaum is Partner of Centennial Group and Director of Centennial Group Latin America. Prior to joining the Centennial Group, he worked at the IMF for about 30 years, where he advanced from economist to Deputy Director of various departments. In addition to helping define and supervise these departments work He led missions to surveillance countries, such as Brazil, Israel, Russia and South Africa, as well as to countries supported by the IMF, such as Brazil in the early 1990s, the Dominican Republic, Kenya, Malawi, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago. His expertise is on a wide range of development and macroeconomic issues. He holds a BA from the National University of Cuyo, an MA in economics from the University of Chicago, and completed his Doctoral studies in economics at the University of Chicago.
Areas of Expertise:
Fiscal and monetary policies
Financial programming and debt sustainability analysis
Emerging market issues
Past Experience:
National University of Cuyo, Argentina – Researcher and Professor of Economics 101
World Bank – Lecturer at the Economic Development Institute
International Monetary Fund – Deputy Director of the African European and Western Hemisphere Departments and numerous senior operational positions
Key Advisory Engagements
Inter-American Development Bank: Evaluation Office
JICA: Credit Risk Assessment Department
Ad-Hoc Group of Puerto Rico Bondholders