Hasan Tuluy
Managing Director, Dual Gate-Centennial Group Ltd Saudi Arabia

Hasan Tuluy is an economist with nearly 4 decades of experience in Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, and Latin America, is currently Director, Middle East and Africa with the Centennial Group where he advises multilateral and bilateral development institutions, and countries on development strategy and on organizational design issues. He has, in addition, periodically consulted for the World Bank on country programs and organizational design. He is on the Board for Partnership for Transparency Fund and formerly served as Chair of the Board for IREX, an international NGO.
From 1987 to his retirement from the World Bank in 2014, Tuluy held various senior positions at the World Bank. His most recent assignment prior to his retirement he served as Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean region from 2012 to 2014, overseeing the program of engagement with 32 member countries. Prior to that between 2008-2011 he was Vice President for Human Resources for the World Bank guiding strategy, policy and implementation for the Bank’s 15,000 diverse and decentralized staff. In 2007-2008 as the Chief Operating Officer of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, he initiated a turn-around to bring the agency back to profitability. During the period from 2003 to 2007 Tuluy was Director of Strategy and Operations for the Middle East and North Africa region of the World Bank responsible for program implementation and portfolio quality. Between 2001-2003 he served as Director of Corporate Strategy for the World Bank. Previous to that he worked as Country Director in West Africa (1996-2000) and economist in various country and sector programs (1987-1995). Prior to joining the World Bank Group, Tuluy worked for around a decade in research and private consulting on trade and price policy issues in Africa and the Maghreb.
Past Experience:
World Bank, Private Consulting
Key Advisory Engagements
Republic of Niger (Long Term Strategy)
World Bank (Libya Country engagement, Organizational review of Development Finance vice-presidential unit)
World Bank and UNHCR (Data center for Refugees, Financing options for Refugee Hosting States)
African Development Bank (Regional Integration in Africa, Mid-Term Review of 10-year Strategy, Comparative review of Board Processes, Procedures and Practices)
Islamic Development Bank (Corporate Evaluation of IsDB Group Synergy)
National Development Fund, KSA (Long-term strategy)