Procurement Strategies that Deliver Efficiency and Cost Savings
Procurement – the process of awarding and performing contracts to construct civil works, to supply goods and equipment, and to provide consulting and other kinds of services – may account for up to 50% or more of a developing country’s annual public sector expenditures. When conducted equitably and efficiently, procurement can yield huge savings in public spending; when done inexpertly or without proper safeguards, it can lead to wasted resources and encourage corruption.
The multilateral development banks have made procurement the key link to the disbursement of their loans and grants: the approved funds are released to the recipient countries only when procurement is carried out in an equitable, transparent and effective way that yields value for money. The Centennial Group has provided top-level guidance and assistance in all aspects of procurement to all parties that are involved in the process – governments and project organizations, companies that are able and interested to perform contracts and the multilateral development banks themselves – to help them ensure they carry out their responsibilities effectively.
Our Procurement Expertise
We bring a robust and informed perspective on procurement, providing services that include:
- Assessments of governments’ and organizations’ existing procurement rules and regulations and capabilities of procuring entities to carry them out.
- Procurement policy and strategy formulation for lending institutions and governments.
- Development of rules, regulations, standard procurement documents and operational manuals.
- Analyses of procurement training needs, curriculum development and delivery of programs to fill gaps and create professional cadres, including training of trainers.
- Assistance in conducting procurement processes for conventional large and complex contracts and for Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) including preparation of bidding documents, evaluation of offers, contract award and negotiations, and supervision of contract performance.
- Guidance to suppliers of goods, works and services about how to comply with procurement rules and procedures of multilateral development banks and compete effectively for contracts they finance.
- Assistance to procuring entities and governments with measures to mitigate risks and reduce corruption in procurement, including sensitization and engagement of civil society organizations.
- Resolution of disputes between clients and contractors about compliance with contract terms and conditions regarding performance and compensation.
Typical Procurement Assignments
Below is a sampling of the types of procurement projects the Centennial Group team has conducted for governments, development organizations, and the private sector:
- Analysis of six years of performance under the African Development Bank’s procurement rules in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and ability to deliver value for money.
- Providing full coverage of procurement services related to the Millennium Challenge Account program in the Philippines.
- Developing curricula and delivering professional training programs for staff of public procurement entities and anti-corruption awareness/action programs for civil society organizations in Malawi.
- Developing procurement policies for an international non-governmental organization in the health sector.
- Carrying out the entire procurement process for a Public-Private-Partnership in Ghana to design, install and operate an integrated E-Communications/IT system for all public revenue-generating agencies.
- Advising private sector companies about opportunities and procedures for doing business in projects financed by the multilateral development banks.
Our Team
Meet the principal(s) that lead our Procurement assignments: