Islamic Finance – Writings of V. Sundararajan

This book is a compilation of selected writings of DrVenkataraman Sundararajan (1945-2010), an international policy maker who played a significant role in the development of the regulatory and supervisory frameworks and policy for Islamic finance.
Spanning more than a decade of his thoughts on Islamic finance, this book provides both basic and advanced knowledge of the field. The papers in this collection define Islamic finance, outline its many complexities, and provide practical recommendations that can help it in becoming an important global financial intermediary.
Available online at http://www.sagepub.com/books/Book237474
Dr Abbas Mirakhor, Former Executive Director, International Monetary Fund and internationally renowned authority on Islamic Finance :
The core concern that these papers convey is what must be done to render Islamic finance efficient, competitive and well integrated with the global financial system….this is a collection of significant, perceptive and insightful paper that is indispensable to understanding operation aspects of Islamic finance….at a minimum, this book should become required reading for all those interested in an alternative financial system, particularly in this post-financial crisis stage.