Evaluation: Assessment of Efficiency and Effectiveness.
Below is a list of Centennial Group’s past evaluation projects.
Evaluation of AfDB’s Portfolio Performance Reviews Draft May 2020
EVALUATION DU PLAN STRATEGIQUE 20 15 2019 et Proposition des Axes Stratégiques pour le prochain Plan
Evaluation of AfDB’s Self-Evaluation System and Processes
Corporate Evaluation of IsDB Group Synergy
Evaluation of AfDB Portfolio Review and Restructuring Policies and Guidelines 2011-2019
Evaluation of the Middle-Income Country Technical Assistance Fund (MIC_TAF) (2002-2018)
AfDB Mid-Term Review of Ten-Year Review
AfDB Board Processes, Procedures and Practices (BPPP) — A Survey of Experiences and Lessons
Independent Assessment of FAO’s Technical Capacity
Independent Evaluation of the AfDB East Africa Regional Integration Strategy 2011-2015
AfDB Evaluation Synthesis Report: Towards Private Sector-Led Growth, Lessons of Experience Oct 2016
Niger 2035: Rapport de diagnostic