Debt-to-GDP: The EU and Beyond
Source: Eurostat and WEO
US and EU Employment Figures
U.S. total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 243,000 in January (Market expectation 200,000), and the unemployment rate decreased to 8.3 percent (8.5 expected). The unemployment rate declined by 0.2 percentage point in January; the rate has fallen by 0.8 point since August. Job growth was widespread in the private sector. Government employment changed little over […]
Global Economy Update: January 27
United States The FOMC met on the January 25th. Below is the FOMC statement from that meeting, with the differences in language from the previous meeting highlighted. 25 January 27, 2012 Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately, notwithstanding some slowing in global […]
Global Economy Update: January 20
Here are some important data points from the past week: United States Eurozone Source: ECB China Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China Brazil Source: Central Bank of Brazil
India 2039: Transforming Agriculture
Centennial Group has just produced the India 2039: Transforming Agriculture report. A brochure is available here.
The GIPSIs Exposure and Capital Shortfall of European Banks
Economy expands, labor market improves, softer business fixed investment, inflation a non-issue. This calls for no change but QE3 fades in the distance (for now?)
Below we post the FOMC statement from today, as well as last month’s statement, putting the changes in language in bold. Release Date: December 13, 2011 For immediate release Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in November suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately, notwithstanding some apparent slowing in global growth. […]
Centennial study featured in the Economist's "The World in 2012"
The Economist recently highlighted our Asia 2050 study in “The World in 2012”. You can see the article here.
International investment positions: a typology of surplus and deficit countries