Special Economic Zones and Prospects for Sri Lanka
Article on the Dailymirror http://www.dailymirror.lk/features/Special-Economic-Zones-and-prospects-for-Sri-Lanka/185-204192 The motivation for Special Economic Zones, also commonly referred to as SEZs, stems from an innovative idea: to overcome distortions in policy and infrastructure constraints in domestic economies. Of course, it would have been a tedious job to sort out all the issues which hindered the way forward of an […]
Our Partner: Dual Gate Investment
In Memoriam
More in Memory of Mr. P. R. Narvekar From the IMF It is with sadness that we announce the passing of the Fund’s former Deputy Managing Director, Prabhakar R. Narvekar, on Thursday, November 21, 2019. Mr. Narvekar, an Indian National, had a very long and distinguished career at the Fund that spanned four decades starting […]
Time for an Asian-Asean century
Mr. Roberto F. de Ocampo on ASEAN’s 50th Anniversary http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/time-for-an-asian-asean-century The first step in Asean’s long journey to where it is today can perhaps be said to have been taken about 13 years before its formal founding in August of 1967 with the signing of the Bangkok Declaration by the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. […]
Argentina from Washington: Macri’s Telecommunications Policy is a key test for his modernizing effort
Argentina from Washington: Macri’s Telecommunications Policy is a key test for his modernizing effort/ La política de telecomunicaciones de Macri es una prueba clave para su esfuerzo modernizador November 2016 A government delegation from Argentina is visiting the US in a bid to attract investment for its telecommunications sector(ICT), as reported by the media. The […]
El Diablo sabe más por viejo, que por Diablo: Que se puede esperar de la visita del FMI a la Argentina
El Diablo sabe más por viejo, que por Diablo: Que se puede esperar de la visita del FMI a la Argentina Claudio M. Loser Centennial America Latina 21 de Setiembre, 2016 (Publicado en INFOLATAM) En los últimos días, entre otras conmociones, llegó a la Argentina una misión del Fondo Monetario Internacional para conducir la consulta […]
Reuniones Anuales 2016: America Latina en aprietos, en 4 gráficos y 500 palabras
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Visión desde Washington: Argentina: Fin de un Ciclo-Se dejó atrás una tormenta, pero no se garantiza un curso tranquilo/ Vision from Washington: Argentina: End of a cycle-A storm was left behind, but smooth sailing is not guaranteed (English following the Spanish Version)
Nota: Ésta es probablemente el comentario final de esta serie, ya que las circunstancias han cambiado radicalmente en Argentina. Seguiré de cerca los eventos argentinos y publicaré en medios amigos, pero no con la frecuencia reciente. A todos, críticos y simpatizantes, les pido perdón por posibles desacuerdos y errores, y les agradezco esta oportunidad que […]
La visión de Washington: No es que veamos luz al final del túnel. Argentina parece estar fuera del túnel/ The vision from Washington: It is not that we see light at the end of the tunnel. Argentina seems to be out of the tunnel
La visión de Washington: No es que veamos luz al final del túnel. Argentina parece estar fuera del túnel/ The vision from Washington: It is not that we see light at the end of the tunnel. Argentina seems to be out of the tunnel Claudio M. Loser Centennial Group Latin America Marzo de 2016 La […]